Scene Tools for Autodesk Maya
Maya 2011 to Maya 2018 supported - v2.4.1
PDF documentation included
The script provides tools with the following features:
- Modeless Maya File Browser
- Custom Open Scene Dialog ( thumbnails, playblast, scene note display
and referencing/importing options )
- Reload Current/Last Opened Scene
- Save Scene As... (avoids having to open the sometimes sluggish
Maya File Dialog)
- Export All/Selected... custom dialog
- Save Scene Version
- Current Scene Info Window
- Scene Thumbnails and Scene Note creation ( you can choose where to
store them. Relative to the current project root or relative to
the opened scene file path )
- Scene Info HUDS
- Create Shot Camera at persp position
- Playblast/Shot Window ( timeline popupMenu (RMB), window popupMenu (control+LMB),
if shotCamera exists it is used in the viewport by default )
- Create Scene Playblast
- View Scene Playblast
- Custom Reference File Editor (many features and remote editing,
commandPort 7777 must be available)
- Channel/Node Control ( lock / hide attributes, lock objects)
- Filter/Select Node Types
- Playback Options
- Setup Render Resolution
- Setup Working Units (Space, Time)
- Reload Scene Textures
- ChannelBox Scene Tools Buttons (doesn't work if you already have
your own buttons)
- Autoload script at startup setup